Introducing PAIX, a vase that echoes the tales of an enchanted past. Inspired by an entity, like a delicate reed, whose elegance adorned peaceful lakes in the older world of captivating streams. In those days, the alluring pink flamingo, a symbol of delicate balance, became an emblem of serenity. The pattern, a mirror of poise and unrealized potential, transforms homes into havens, filling rooms with the subdued grace of olden times.
12W x 30H
There once was a being, like a thin reed, whose beauty reflected in the serene lakes, in the old world of enchanted waterways. In those early days, the alluring pink flamingo—which represents a delicate balance—became a symbol of serenity. The pattern of the flamingo, a mirror of poise and unrealized potential, turned homes into havens and filling rooms with the subdued grace of olden times.